Road delays and disruptions


There are disruptions due to construction work around Melbourne Airport. Please check this list so you can plan ahead.

Due to ongoing construction in the T123 car park pick-up and drop-off areas, passengers should plan for potential delays of up to an hour during peak times.

To avoid congestion, we recommend using the equivalent pick-up and drop-off facilities at nearby Terminal 4 car park, just a short 10-minute walk from Terminals 1, 2, and 3. Simply drive to the Terminal 4 Car Park and proceed to Level 2 for drop-offs or Level 1 for pick-ups.

Please refer to the map below, where each impact is labelled with a corresponding number for easy reference.

Terminal 1, 2, 3 Forecourt

1. Public Pick-Up/Rideshare (Lane 3): 7 Public Pick-Up bays will be temporarily closed.

2. Public Pick-Up (Lane 4): 7 Public Pick-Up bays will be temporarily closed, with occasional traffic stops to allow for deliveries.

Terminal 1, 2, 3 Car Park

3A. Level 1: 565 bays temporarily closed, reopening on 4 February.
3B. Level 3: 54 bays temporarily closed.
4. Exit: Three boom gates will remain open.

Terminal Drive / Arrivals Drive / Centre Road

5. Arrivals Drive: Reduced to three lanes.

6. Detour: A detour is in place between the Value Car Park and the terminals. Terminal Services Building staff will regain car access through the front entrance.

T4 Car Park

7. Ramp Lane Closure: One lane remains closed on the Naarm Way Stage 1 ramp.

Centre Road

8A. Northbound Lane Closures: Nighttime: 7:00 PM – 7:00 AM (Monday to Friday, from 29th January to 3rd March).

8B. Southbound Lane Closures: Daytime: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Wednesday to Friday 11 February to 14 February)