Safety and Induction
APAC Safety Management Standard

We are committed to achieving safety excellence through the identification and implementation of industry-leading safety practices. This commitment extends to continually improving the wellbeing of our workforce. To achieve our goal, the APAC Safety Management Standard serves as the overarching safety governance document at Melbourne Airport, encouraging engagement and compliance by following consistent safety standards.

Internally, the APAC Total Safety Culture underpins everything we do incorporating people, practices and the environment.

We ask contractors, service providers, tenants, temporary workers and visitors to cooperate, and where applicable, demonstrate an equivalent approach to safety management to that contained in our APAC Safety Management Standard.

APAC Minimum Public Safety Requirements

Public safety is an incredibly important aspect of everything we do as at Melbourne Airport. Every operation and every function involved in the running of an airport includes an appreciation for public safety, and we’re always doing our best to identify improvements that contribute towards the prevention of public safety incidents.

The APAC Minimum Public Safety Requirements consist of 20 industry best practice safety requirements that Melbourne Airport, its contractors, services providers and other parties working at the airport, are required to apply to every project, job or task.