The car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy

Many of our car parks are nearly booked out with limited drive-up spots available. If you have a booking, please add 30 minutes extra time to your journey so that you will have plenty of time to find a spot. Please have your QR code at the ready for a smooth entry and exit. Thank you for your patience.

Building approvals

About Building Approvals

If you're planning on making changes to your existing site or tenancy, or embarking on a new development at Melbourne Airport, you will need to gain approval from both Melbourne Airport (as the Airport Lessee Company) and the Airport Building Controller (ABC) prior to commencing any work.

The process considers the interests of the airport's operations and business partners, and works with the ABC and Airport Environmental Officer (AEO) to ensure each application compliments the ongoing development and operations of Melbourne Airport.

Melbourne Airport assesses each application against the following criteria:

The guidelines below will assist you in gaining approval for works at Melbourne Airport. Note that all works require a PERCOW prior to commencement of any works. Note also that many works require a planning approval before a building approval can be processed. Information regarding planning approvals is available here and any queries regarding this process should be directed to the Melbourne Airport planning team.

Planning & Building Approval Application Process

Preparing your Consent or PERCOW Application

Preparing your Consent or PERCOW application prior to submission will ensure that your application has all the necessary information required.

Taking a moment to review the steps below will assist you in completing your application.

Review Minimum Public Safety Requirements, Technical Standards, Asbestos Register and Local Permits

Before you commence any works you and your Contractors and Sub-Contractor should be familiar with the following:

Prepare a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP)

A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) is a plan that identifies and describes the management of environmental risks associated with a company’s operations.

A CEMP may be required if the project involves one or more of the following activities:

  • Development on or near an Environmentally Significant Area
  • Works in known or potentially contaminated areas
  • Discharges to air (odour, dust, combustion emissions)
  • Discharges to land, surface water (incl. stormwater) or groundwater
  • Development, construction or demolition
  • Development of a Greenfields site
  • Importation of fill material onto the Airport
  • Clearing of land
  • Use or storage of hazardous materials
  • Activities within 200m of a waterway

It may also be required if the Works Contractor and/or subcontractor(s) had an environmental infringement in the past 3 years.

You should consult with the Environment Manager at APAM prior to commencing any work.


Determine the type of application you are making

The type of application you make is primarily  dependent on the building activity you are proposing.

The Airport Building Controller (ABC) is responsible for ensuring that activities at leased airports meet the appropriate building and engineering standards.

APAM recommends that you consult the ABC to determine whether your building activity needs their approval prior to submitting an application to APAM. 

Consent Application

If the ABC determines that you need approval to undertake the proposed building activity then you should submit a Consent Application to APAM.

After the ABC approves the building activity you can return to APAM and apply for a PERCOW.

PERCOW Application

If the ABC determines that the works are minor in nature they may determine that you do not need to apply for approval, in which case they will give you an Exemption Determination and you can apply directly for a PERCOW from APAM.

ABC Contact

ABC Contact Information


Refer to the Consent/PERCOW Guideline for details on how to apply for a Consent or PERCOW.

Determine the Project Type

Determining what Project Type you are undertaking is important as the application process will differ depending on your choice.

3rd Party Work

3rd Party Work is work being undertaken by a party other than APAM. Examples include Tenancy Fitouts and changes to buildings not owned by APAM.

APAM Capital, Repex or Opex work

APAM Capital, Repex or Opex Work is work being undertaken on an APAM asset which can be classified as Capital work, Replacement work (Repex), or Operating Expenditure work (Opex). 

If you are applying to do Capital or Repex work you will need to include a valid Capital Project Number (CP Number) in your application.

These applications will only be accepted online using the Building Approvals Portal on MelAir Online.

Determine the primary types of works

Determining the primary type of works at this stage will assist you in the next stage of preparing your supporting documentation as the primary type of works determines what Mandatory and Optional documentation is required to be submitted with your application.

If you are making an APAM Capital, Repex or Opex Work application the Building Application Portal  on MelAir Online will ask you to select the primary type of work you are undertaking.

ConstructionBuilding or assembling of infrastructure e.g. Terminal, Car Park.
DemolitionTearing down of building or other man-made structures.
EngineeringDesign, build, improvement and maintenance of structures, machines, plant, equipment, tools, systems and components.
EnvironmentalSurrounding site conditions: investigation of soil, tree/vegetation,  excavation of materials that are on the ground 
FitoutMaking interior spaces suitable for occupation.
ICTWorks on communication technology, wireless signals and computer networks.
InfrastructureBasic physical structures and facilities built at the Airport including roads, rail, aprons, taxiways, runways, fencing, pavements and, retaining walls.
SignageSigns collectively, especially commercial or public display signs e.g. wayfinding signs, advertisements.
UtilitiesWorks primarily related to the provision of Gas, Electrical, Water, Sewerage, Stormwater, Mechanical or Thermal systems.
ConstructionBuilding or assembling of infrastructure e.g. Terminal, Car Park.
DemolitionTearing down of building or other man-made structures.
EngineeringDesign, build, improvement and maintenance of structures, machines, plant, equipment, tools, systems and components.
EnvironmentalSurrounding site conditions: investigation of soil, tree/vegetation,  excavation of materials that are on the ground 
FitoutMaking interior spaces suitable for occupation.
ICTWorks on communication technology, wireless signals and computer networks.
InfrastructureBasic physical structures and facilities built at the Airport including roads, rail, aprons, taxiways, runways, fencing, pavements and, retaining walls.
SignageSigns collectively, especially commercial or public display signs e.g. wayfinding signs, advertisements.
UtilitiesWorks primarily related to the provision of Gas, Electrical, Water, Sewerage, Stormwater, Mechanical or Thermal systems.

Prepare your supporting documentation

Submitting the right supporting documentation will improve turnaround time for completing the assessment. 

Please use the Scope of Work template provided and upload on to application when prompted, add additional documentation separately if required.

Your Primary Type of Work determines what Mandatory and Optional documentation is required to be submitted with your application.

What optional document you submit will be dependent on the nature of the work being undertaken. 

If you are making an APAM Capital, Repex or Opex Work application the Building Application Portal will ask you to select the primary type of work you are undertaking and then enforce the upload of the mandatory supporting documents before you will be able to submit your application.

Open the Work Type Document Requirements Matrix to see what documents are required to be submitted with your application.

Submit your Application

Once you have prepared your application you can submit your application for an Airport Lessee Consent and/or Permission to Commence Work (PERCOW) as follows:

APAM Capex, Repex, Opex & 3rd party works

Apply Online, using the Building Approvals Portal on MelAir Online following the easy step-by-step process.

3rd Party Work

On submission of application for 3rd party works, you will be prompted to pay an application fee associated with the works being undertaken. View the fee schedule for 3rd party works.


Upon Issue of PERCOW, if there is variation of works from the original application, applicants can raise a variation application.

Applying for Building Activity Completion

Building Activity Completion is required by Melbourne Airport to ensure that the works have been completed in accordance with the approved PERCOW. Refer to the guideline below for details on how to apply for a Completion Certificate.

Building Activity Completion Guideline

Apply to undertake APAM Capex, Repex, Opex Work and 3rd party works

From Thursday 9 August 2018 building applications (Consent or PERCOW) for APAM Capital Works (CAPEX), Replacements Works (REPEX), Operating Works (OPEX) and 3rd Party Works will only be accepted using the Building Approvals Portal on MelAir Online. 

Login to MelAir Online

Click here to Register or Login to MelAir Online.

If you have recently applied for an ASIC online or are registered for Restricted Area Access Permits in the BPMS then use your existing credentials to login.

Login to MelAir online

Register of Current Building Applications and Approvals

The register of current Building Applications contains details of all applications received by Melbourne Airport and decisions made in relation to those applications as required under regulation 2.02 of the Airports Act.

Contact us

For assistance contact the Building Activities Leader (BAL) on +61 3 9297 1310 or email [email protected] quoting your Application Id (for APAM CAPEX, REPEX, OPEX or 3rd Party Works) if issued.